The Zeddites

Malanchor - Supreme Commander of the Zeddites - The Shadow Overseer

Malanchor, the Shadow Overseer, is a figure veiled in mystery, feared by all who dare to utter his name. As a high-ranking member of the Zeddite hierarchy, Malachor uses his technological advantage to scout and oversee the Zorgon's military operations. Malanchor wields power with a cold precision that sends shivers down the spines of even the bravest souls. The Zeddites reliance on advanced technology has separated them from other life in the cosmos, but could this also be their downfall?

Born of ancient darkness and forged in cosmic upheaval, Malachor rose through the ranks of the Zeddite order with unmatched cunning. Little is known of his origins, save for whispers of distant stars and echoes of long-forgotten legends.

With eyes like twin orbs of obsidian, Malachor commands the shadows, his every move a calculated step in the Zeddites' game of domination. Serving as the right hand of the Zeddite Overlord, he ensures their will is executed with ruthless tehnological efficiency.

For Malachor, the shadows are not just a cloak, but a realm of endless potential waiting to be unleashed upon the universe.

Beware, mortals, for the Shadow Overseer watches from the depths of the void, his gaze piercing reality itself. To cross paths with Malachor is to invite doom, for he is the harbinger of shadows, the bringer of chaos, and the architect of nightmares.